Performing Mourning

#sadface #performingmourning #floralperfection
Performing Mourning combines the craft of floristry and the rhetoric devices of obituaries. Shock, control, regression and adaptation: Through flower-tying all phases of the mourning process are performed. Flower-tying goes hand in hand with a description of the work steps. The floristic language sets associations in motion that do not end at the cemetery and open up spaces beyond the person to be mourned. Through the work on the lifeless cut flower material, occasions become commemoration and produce ambiguous deaths. The detailed study of the aesthetic effect of funeral floristry produced by his own mother, Hendrik Quast transfers the rhetoric and materiality of floristry on stage through the material-specific dramaturgy of a personalised grave arrangement.
Idea, concept, text, performance Hendrik Quast
Text, performance Maika Knoblich
Guest performance
Mousonturm Frankfurt
GAK Bremen / Schwankhalle
Zeitraumexit Mannheim
Probebühne ATW Gießen (201
Funded by Goethe Instituts München, Hessische Theaterakademie, Kulturamt der Stadt Gießen, Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft Gießen, AStA der JLU Gießen, Exkurs Zwischenraum und Theater aktör&vänner, Göteborg, LAB Frankfurt am Main, DasArts Amsterdam, Haus Aspel – Töchter vom hl. Kreuz , OASIS® Floral Products
Photos © Lea Letzel, Jörg Baumann
Premiere 02.09.2011, Skogen Göteborg
A balancing act on this side of art and on the other side of craft.
taz 19 November 2016, Jens Fischer
Performing Mourning dives into the adventurous and funny world of funeral floristry and pushes you right afterwards into the actual funeral service including coffee table in a startling precise reality play
Mannheimer Morgen, 11 July 2012